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”What Are Your Goals?” Isn’t a Very Good Question. What’s Your VISION for the future?

The habit of “beginning with the end in mind” was developed over 30 years ago by Dr. Stephen R. Covey in his groundbreaking bestseller, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’.

This means that you should have a vision for your future as your frame of reference so you can effectively make a plan today.

This concept is used in leadership, entrepreneurship, project management, sports competitions, personal productivity, and our favorite area, financial, retirement and legacy planning.

Traditional financial advisors often start by asking you “What your goals are.”  

On the surface, it seems like a valid question…

…but it’s flawed.

Instead of starting with goals, you should start with a vision. A clear vision will inform your priorities, and those priorities will inform your goals. Think of it as a pyramid.

Start with getting some clarity on your situation

Describe your vision.

Set your priorities.

Define your goals.

If you don’t get this order correct, your financial plan may not work well at all. That’s why traditional financial planning isn’t as effective.

Many financial advisors use cookie-cutter goals, which lead to cookie-cutter planning.

At Granite State Retirement Planning, we believe that you deserve a custom retirement. We begin with your vision, and keep the end in mind for the duration of our relationship. Your vision is the continual reference point for your customized, successful retirement. We’re here to help you stay true to your goals.

Ready to describe your vision to us? Not sure where to start? We’re here for you – let’s get you started with our financial guidance report. Reach out to us today!

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